I knew this school year was going to be a very challenging year and I tried to work myself up to it and be prepared, but I am really struggling with everything lately. I vowed to be the best teacher I can be and not put up with any crap in my room. I was not a push over in the past, but I am just to the point in my career and life, that even the littlest crap I am not tolerating. I want every student to have a chance to learn and not have to try and block out another student while they are being distracting. Well, lets just say it is going to be a long haul. Freshmen love to talk and be crazy. High school is a new experience and they are just so engrossed in the social life. Talking, and getting attention however they can. So I am trying my best. I second guess myself a lot, but there is 180 days of trying in me right now. I don't care how hard it is going to be.
The twins are doing so good in school. It amazes me how much they have learned already. I am enjoying seeing them grow so much. I am so proud of them. They jump right in with courage and determination and it is so awesome to see them excell. Nolan is growing into his own little independent person. No more sissy and bubba by his side. It is so different to go to daycare and pick my one little kid up. We are so spread out it makes me nervous. All 5 of us go off every day to our own little worlds. It makes me sad sometimes. Feels like we are growing apart. I am so thankful though that we all come home every night and enjoy each others company, spend time together, share about our days and what we did and learned and just chill together. These are the best of times. I know it goes by fast, but I hope that we can still come home every night for the next 18 years and be able to share and listen and understand and love each other.
I thank the Lord every day for my family and our love that we share. I am so blessed to have Garrett and the kids. I pray that we can always be safe. That the kids will be able to grow up and make good choices and live a full life. I pray for my little family that I love. Bless them.