Sunday, April 24, 2011


Austin is playing his first ever baseball season this year in farm and loving it. He can hit, play catch, and drink and lot of slurpies. His coach promised slurpies to the team whenever they caught a fly ball in a game. So they have been drinking a lot of slurpies. Garrett takes Austin to the batting cages and out back to practice. It is so great to see Austin learn the game. His first live at bat, he didn't quite know that he had to run to first base after he hit the ball. In his first game, the coach told him to play first base, he went to third.

Student of the Week!
Austin was student of the week in his class. He got to bring Curious George home. We had a camp out in the living room the first night George was home with us. Avery and Nolan enjoyed it too.

Notice the iCarly shirt. Avery loves her shows. She has moved on from Full House to iCarly and others. She loves the High School Musical Movies and is definately my drama queen. On the other hand, she is my worrier and helper.

We love our camp outs!

Nolan's New Clothes!
So my friend gave me bags and bags of her sons old clothes and Nolan just loves them. He changes his clothes 10 times a day anyway, but now he has so many clothes it is like he is in heaven. He was so excited. He still thanks me for getting him new clothes and it has been at least two weeks:)
He calls his new black pants his "cowboy" pants.

His favorite outfit from Karen is the black pants and rock and roll shirt. Rock out Nolan!

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