Sunday, April 24, 2011

Nolan's 4!

I can not believe my Nolan is 4. Crazy. Nolan has had a big year already. In the last month, he has learned how to ride his bike and pump himself on the swing. Way to go Nolan! Growing up on me.  Nolan is getting more and more independent. He is his own little person.  He loves his brother and sister. He loves anything Star Wars.  He loves to ride his bike and to swing. Today he flew off the swing and scared me to death. He has a big bruise and scratches on his back, and he wanted to go back out and swing. I couldn't believe it. I let him. Not a problem for him, but I was nervous the whole time. When I tucked him in tonight, I told him he scared me and he said that I scared him.  I guess it looks worse than it feels. Other things about Nolan these days: he sucks his thumb still, wants to grow his hair long like Cesareo's, almost got ran over by a car more than once, (not allowed to sniff the road), changes his clothes at least eight times a day, likes gymnastics (had his birthday there two years in a row), is loved by Loralai, is a great helper at home, hates being told no, hates the corner, likes movies in the car, likes going to grammy's, likes to stick his butt out, races me to the door every morning at day care, races me to the car when I pick him up, likes the Tim Mcgraw "bird song" (can't remember the real name), likes Toy Story movies and all his Toy Story toys (thank you Nana! and grammy!), likes to make his brother and sister mad, is almost over the random hitting (I hope), can spell his name, does't break as many things, would have peanut butter and jelly every day, Top Ramen otherwise, sneaks candy.....Happy Birthday my baby!

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