Saturday, November 19, 2011

First Day of 1st Grade

Austin and Avery started out the school year as a Shasta Bobcat. They were in two seperate classes this year and loving it. Avery's teacher was Mrs. Kellogg and Austin's teacher was Mrs. Avalis. They loved their teachers and classes, but due to travel and Garrett and I working out of town, we decided it would be better for all of us if the twins went to McKinley where I am teaching kindergarten. (Yes, that's right, I am teaching kindergarten and I love it.) So a month into school and Austin and Avery transfer and become McKinley Mallards with me. They are still in seperate classes. Austin has Mrs. Levin and Avery has Mrs. Houck and they love their new classes. It was an easy move and quick adjustment. It is so great seeing my kids at school. I check in on them and they check in on me. Next year Nolan will be there with me and the twins will be a few blocks away at Wilson. They are going to the afterschool program at Wilson with Karen Fawns and her son Jacob. Karen is one of my friends from the high school. Everything just worked out so well and things are going great. Busy, but great.

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