Sunday, February 21, 2010

Yay, for Saturdays!!

"Can I play wii?" "Can I play wii?" "Can I play wii?" Yesterday, we played wii. It was fun. We also got outside and played on the swings and rode bikes. The whether was nice. It rained just enough in the morning to cancel soccer. (I'm glad because we are all tired and still a little sick.) So the rain smell stayed in the air all day. I love that smell. We all had fun just hanging out together, playing, cleaning, and resting. Avery kicked our butt at wii bowling. Actually daddy did, but we don't count him because he always kicks everybody's butt.

My little squatter. What am I going to do? This kid refused to poop on the potty. So this is how I find him these days, squatting in the corner.

1 comment:

LaNell Brown said...

Saturdays are seriously the best day. I tell my students all the time that I liked weekends and holidays as a kid but man I love them as an adult.